
The useYaflContext hook is a handy way to hook your components up to the Yafl context which contains form state and helper functions. Make sure that it is only used underneath a <Form> component. Here is a very simple example where we render a reset button what will reset the form to initialValue when it is clicked. Notice that ResetButton is disabled if the form is not dirty or if the form is currently submitting.

Example usage

import { useYaflContext } from 'yafl'
const ResetButton = (props) => {
const { isSubmitting } = props
const { resetForm, formIsDirty } = useYaflContext()
disabled={!formIsDirty || isSubmitting}
export default ResetButton
import { useState } from 'react'
import { Form } from 'yafl'
import ResetButton from './ResetButton'
import TextInput from './TextInput'
function ResetForm(props) {
const { saveProfile, profile } = props
const [isSubmitting, setSubmitting] = useState(false)
const { resetForm, formIsDirty } = useYaflContext()
async function handleSubmit(formValue) {
await saveProfile(formValue)
<Form initialValue={profile} onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
<Field name="fullname" />
<Section name="contact">
<Field name="tel" />
<Field name="email" />
<ResetButton isSubmitting={isSubmitting} />
<button type="submit">Submit</button>