
The useForm() hook allows you to access Yafl form state right inside your component without having to use render props. This is a massive convenience for some people as it reduces component nesting and some awkward component structuring.


type UseForm = <F extends object>(config: UseFormConfig<F>) => YaflBaseContext<F>


Using context

There is a small caveat to using this hook that you should be aware of - specifically if you want to make use of Yafl context consumers: In these cases you should use useForm() in conjunction with a <YaflProvider> which does require a teeny tiny bit of wiring. As you can see in the example below we have to pass the result of useForm to the value prop on <YaflProvider>. This is what the <Form> component does under the hood and it's what allows for communication with form consumers such as the <Field> component. While it is an extra thing to remember, we think the ergonomics of having a useForm() hook totally compensates for this.

import React, { useState } from 'react'
import { useForm, YaflProvider, Section, Field } from 'yafl'
function validateForm(formValue) {
const errors = { contact: { tel: [] } }
if(! {'A telephone number is required!')
return errors
function UseFormExample (props) {
const { initialValue, save } = props
const [submitting, setSubmitting] = useState(false)
const yafl = useForm({
onSubmit: async (formValue) => {
if (submitting) return
await save(formValue)
// yet another way you might to do form-level validation
const formErrors = validateForm(yafl.formValue)
return (
<YaflProvider value={yafl}>
<form onSubmit={yafl.submit}>
<Section name="contact">
<Field name="tel" />
<button type="submit">Submit</button>

Without using context

If you don't want to use React context you can simply write your own input change handler like this:

import React, { useState } from 'react'
import { useForm, YaflProvider, Section, Field } from 'yafl'
function CustomChangeHandler(props) {
const { initialValue } = props
const yafl = useForm({
onSubmit: (formValue) => {
function handleChange(e) {
return (
<form onSubmit={yafl.submit}>
<input name="" onChange={handleChange} />
<button type="submit">Submit</button>


The configuration options for the useForm() hook are mostly identical to the <Form> component props, minus commonValues and branchValues. Here they are again for convenience:



initialValue?: T

The initial value of your Form. Whenever initialValue changes your form will initialize/reinitialize Comparison is done using deep equal.


initialTouched?: BooleanTree<T>

The initially "touched" fields of the form. Defaults to {}.


initialVisited?: BooleanTree<T>

The initially "visited" fields of the form. Defaults to {}.


initialSubmitCount?: number

The initial number of times the form has been submitted. Defaults to 0.


disabled?: boolean

Whether or not the form is disabled. If the form is disabled common behaviors will not work. The functions will be disabled:

  • submitting the form via submit()
  • all functions that make changes the fromValue
  • resetting the form via resetForm()
  • forgetting state via forgetState()
  • setting the activeField
  • all functions that set touched or visited values

Defaults to false.


onSubmit?: (formValue: T) => boolean | void

The function to call on form submission. By default the formValue argument will contain only fields that are actually mounted. To include all values in your form you can use the submitUnregisteredValues prop. If you return false from this function, submitCount will not be incremented. Returning nothing or a value of any other type will have no effect on the default behavior.


submitUnregisteredValues?: boolean

Defaults to false.

Specify whether values that do not have a corresponding Field, Section or Repeat should be included in the formValue on submission of your form.


persistFieldState?: boolean

Defaults to false.

Specify whether the touched and visited state of your <Field /> components should persisted when they are unmounted.

Why you might need this

You're not likely to use the persistFieldState prop very often, but it may come in handy when you are working with multi-route forms. By default, whenever a Field is unmounted, the Field will be removed from the Form component's internal state and along with it, any state that is associated with that Field. When creating a multi-page Form, for example, you'll probably want to keep this state around while visiting different routes. This is useful for any time when some of your Fields may not currently be mounted but you want their state to be "remembered" when they're remounted!


rememberStateOnReinitialize?: boolean

Defaults to false.

Specifies whether or not to reset touched, visited and submitCount when the form reinitializes when it receives a new initialValue.


onFormValueChange?: (prev: T, next: T) => void

Will get called every time the formValue changes.


onStateChange?: (previousState: FormState<T>, nextState: FormState<T>) => void

Will get called every time the Form state changes.


The result of a call to the useForm() hook returns a number of useful functions and data. However, some of these you've unlikely to use except in advanced use cases but are returned from this hook as they used in other form consumers such as Field, Section and Repeat. They are included here for completeness and see values labeled with a *.


formValue: FThe current value of the Form
initialValue: TThe initialValue of the form and equal to the initialValue option supplied to useForm().
formIsValid: booleanIndicates whether the form in its entirety is valid based on whether there are any errors present.
errors: FormErrors<F>An object representing the errors of the form. Populated by the validate prop on each Field or useField.
errorCountA number representing the total count of errors on the form. Every validator function on each field that returns an error string will increment this number by 1.
visited: booleanAn object representing the fields of the form which have been visited.*
touched: booleanAn object representing the fields of the form which have been touched.
formIsDirty: booleanIndicates whether the initialValue for the form is different from the current formValue. Uses deep comparison.
activeField: Nullable<string>The currently active field. Set when input.onBlur is supplied to an <input>.
submit: () => voidCalls the onSubmit function supplied to useForm().
submitCount: numberThe number of times the form has been submitted.
resetForm: () => voidClears all form state. formValue is reset to its initialValue.
forgetState: () => voidResets submitCount, touched and visited to their initial values. The formValue is not reset.
setFormValue: (set: SetFormValueFunc<F>) => voidSets the formValue imperatively.
setFormVisited: (set: SetFormVisitedFunc<F>) => voidSets the Form's visited state imperatively.
Accepts a callback with the Form's previous value.
setFormTouched: (set: SetFormTouchedFunc<F>) => voidSets the Form's touched state imperatively.
Accepts a callback with the Form's previous visited state.
setValue: (path: string, val: any, touch = true) => voidSets the value for a field specified by path.
Optionally specify if this Field should be touched when this function is called.
If the touch parameter is not provided it defaults to true.
touchField: (path: string, touch: boolean) => voidSets the touched value for a field specified by path.
visitField: (path: string, visit: boolean) => voidSets the visited value for a field specified by path.
value: FA copy of formValue. This value is split at each branching component until it arrives at its destination field.
setActiveField: (path: Nullable<string>) => voidSets the currently active field specified path.
registerErrors(path: string, errors: string[]) => voidSets errors for a field specified by path. The array of errors should be a list of unique strings
unregisterErrors(path: string, errors: string[]) => voidUnsets errors for a field specified by path. Errors contained within the list of errors will be removed.
registerField(path: string) => voidRegisters a field on the form. You're fairly unlikely to use this as it simply tells Yafl at a field exists - use submitUnregisteredValues to submit the formValue as is instead of the default behavior which is to filter out field values that are not registered. useField and <Field> both call registerField on mount.
unregisterField(path: string) => voidUnregisters a field from the form. Called by useField and <Field> on unmount.