<Form />

The <Form> component contains all the state that tracks what's going on in your form. This state includes things like whether or not a field isDirty or has been touched and serves as a state Provider to other Yafl components. All other Yafl components have to be rendered inside the <Form>. For example, attempting to render a Field outside of a Form will cause an error to be thrown.



initialValue?: T

The initial value of your Form. Whenever initialValue changes your Form will initialize/reinitialize Comparison is done using deep equal.


initialTouched?: BooleanTree<T>

The initially "touched" fields of the form. Defaults to {}.


initialVisited?: BooleanTree<T>

The initially "visited" fields of the form. Defaults to {}.


initialSubmitCount?: number

The initial number of times the form has been submitted. Defaults to 0.


disabled?: boolean

Whether or not the form is disabled. If the form is disabled common behaviors will not work. The functions will be disabled:

  • submitting the form via submit()
  • all functions that make changes the fromValue
  • resetting the form via resetForm()
  • forgetting state via forgetState()
  • setting the activeField
  • all functions that set touched or visited values

Defaults to false.


onSubmit?: (formValue: T) => boolean | void

The function to call on form submission. By default the formValue argument will contain only fields that are actually mounted. To include all values in your form you can use the submitUnregisteredValues prop. If you return false from this function, submitCount will not be incremented. Returning nothing or a value of any other type will have no effect on the default behavior.


submitUnregisteredValues?: boolean

Defaults to false.

Specify whether values that do not have a corresponding Field, Section or Repeat should be included in the formValue on submission of your form.


persistFieldState?: boolean

Defaults to false.

Specify whether the touched and visited state of your <Field /> components should persisted when they are unmounted.

Why you might need this

You're not likely to use the persistFieldState prop very often, but it may come in handy when you are working with multi-route forms. By default, whenever a Field is unmounted, the Field will be removed from the Form component's internal state and along with it, any state that is associated with that Field. When creating a multi-page Form, for example, you'll probably want to keep this state around while visiting different routes. This is useful for any time when some of your Fields may not currently be mounted but you want their state to be "remembered" when they're remounted!


rememberStateOnReinitialize?: boolean

Defaults to false.

Specifies whether or not to reset touched, visited and submitCount when the form reinitializes when it receives a new initialValue.


onFormValueChange?: (prev: T, next: T) => void

Will get called every time the formValue changes.


onStateChange?: (previousState: FormState<T>, nextState: FormState<T>) => void

Will get called every time the Form state changes.


children: React.ReactNode | ((props: FormProps<T>) => React.ReactNode)

The children of your Form. Can be a ReactNode or a function with a single parameter which contains props packed with goodies.


commonValues?: ((state: { formValue: T }) => Record<string, any>) | Record<string, any>

An object containing shared state or functionality you wish to deliver to your fields. This prop is really just a wrapper around a Provider value and accomplishes much the same thing.

<Form commonValues={{ isSubmitting: true }}>

Which can then extracted using the useCommonValues hook:

import { useCommonValues } from 'yafl'
const commonValues = useCommonValues('fullname')
* {
* isSubmitting: true
* }

It is also possible to supply a function to commonValues that intercepts the fromValue so that you can deliver derived state to your fields:

commonValues={({ formValue }) => ({
saveProgress() {
localStorage.setItem(JSON.stringify('progress', formValue))

Note: Do not call setState or put any effects into the function version of commonValues as it is executed in render


branchValues?: ((state: { formValue: T }) => Record<string, any>) | Record<string, any>

Similar to commonValues but splits the values at every <Section>, <Repeat> and <Field> to deliver values to the appropriate Fields. For example, given the following object representing, perhaps, some external error state:

const errors = {
profile: {
firstName: ['This field is too long: max 255 characters']
contact: {
addresses: [{
postalCode: ['This field is required']

Note: Do not call setState in this function as it is executed in render

Then we supply these errors to our Form via branchValues

<Form branchValues={{ errors }}>
<Section name="profile">
<Section name="contact">
<Repeat name="addresses">
{values => values.map((value, i) => (
<Section key={i} name={i}>
<TextInput name="code" />

...inside our <TextInput> we could extract our custom errors for this field by using useBranchValues(name):

import { useBranchValues, useField } from 'yafl'
function TextInput(props) {
const [input] = useField(props.name)
const errors = useBranchValues(props.name)
return (
<input {...input} />
{errors.length && <div>{errors[0]}</div>}

Note: Do not call setState or put any effects into the function version of branchValues as it is executed in render